Posts tagged Pippa
pippa's 5th birthday

Happy fifth birthday, Pippa! It's hard to believe that it's been five years since we first met you. You were my first baby, and I have such sweet memories of those first days after you came home from the hospital. We had nothing to do during those lazy summer days except nurse and watch Netflix and go for long walks. Pips, you and I share a bond that can never be broken.

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pippa's 4th birthday

Happy fourth birthday, Pippa! You have grown so much over the past year in more than one sense of the word. Yes, you are taller and lankier, with gangly legs that go on for days. But you have also become so mature, and you're the most caring little girl. You notice the emotions of those around you, and won't stop until you've put a smile on everyone's face. When I wasn't feeling well while pregnant, or recovering from having a baby this year, you would tuck me in bed with a tender kiss on the forehead.

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philippa's third birthday

Happy Third Birthday, Phillipa Florence! It's been a crazy year of changes for you. Shortly after turning 2 you moved from Minnesota to Florida and got a baby brother! You started school for the first time, moved to a big girl bed, got potty trained, and moved to yet another house. You handled it all so well, like I knew you would. Sure, there were tantrums and tears, but we knew we'd figure it out together. You always keep us laughing with your big words, jokes, silly songs, and funny faces.

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