friday favorites #9

I feel like every time I sit down to write a Friday Favorites post, I'm summarizing our week by saying, "I think the sickness is finally leaving our house!" Which is funny, because then a new illness takes up residence in our abode for the next week. This week's sickness du jour was the stomach bug. The worst part is that the stomach bug struck while my family was visiting from Wisconsin. One by one we succumbed to the virus, forcing us to change our plans for a fun week. 

It still ended up being a wonderful few days with family, so the week wasn't a total loss. And to be honest, it almost felt like a vacation when I was stuck in bed with the stomach flu and my parents had both of the kids out of the house. I didn't have to worry about taking care of anyone but myself - luxury! 

I'm determined to end this week on a high note, so I'm still going to squeak out a Friday Favorites post! Here's what is making me smile this week:

Friday Favorites

1. Time with family

Of course this made the top of the list! Living over 1,000 miles away from family makes you really appreciate the time you do get to spend together - and modern technology like FaceTime! We kicked off their visit with dinner overlooking the ocean at one of our favorite restaurants, the Golden Lion, followed by ice cream and a stroll on the boardwalk.

Mornings were spent sipping our coffee and catching up. I was savoring the extra help with the kids, and managed to get so much done in such a short amount of time. Was this what life was like before kids?

2. Disney World!

My parents offered to take the kids to the Magic Kingdom for a day, since we don't live too far away from Orlando. My husband and I still had to teach, so we opted out, but the picture updates we received throughout the day were so fun! I actually counted it a win that I didn't have to chase Teddy around the park while 32 weeks pregnant. 

3. Memes

My sisters and I have an ongoing message thread on Instagram where we send each other our favorite memes. One of my sisters sent this one a few days ago, and I can't stop laughing because it's so accurate! 

4. Online shopping for spring

This section contains affiliate links. 

When you're 32 weeks pregnant and have a 1 and 3 year old at home, getting out of the house to shop is...not ideal. However, as I was getting the kids dressed for church on Sunday, I realized Pippa suddenly has legs for days and needs to size up in dresses, and Teddy has one shirt that is appropriate for church and is not a crop top. I think I'll be scouring Old Navy and Gymboree (40% off entire store!) for some dresses and button-up shirts this weekend! 

5. Spring Break! 

Yes! The perks of being a teacher! We're looking down the barrel of one week of freedom, more family visiting, and some fun day trips to explore where we live. Of course, there will be some time blocked out to lesson plan, correct papers, plan for my maternity leave, work on my blog and business, and take care of other adult things while we have extra hands in the house to help with the kids, but the break is much needed at this point. Which reminds me, I need to schedule a hair cut and color for next week...

That's it for this Friday! What's got you smiling this week?

Linking up with Carolina Charm and Hello Happiness for Five on Friday, and Andrea from Momfessionals for Friday Favorites!