preparing for baby number 3

With our third child due to arrive in 7 weeks, the reality of what it will mean to be a mother of three is starting to sink in. I know full well that it will be survival mode for awhile as we learn our newest family member's rhythms and disposition. We are planning a scheduled C-Section for this baby, and since it's something I've been through twice already, I know that recovery won't be easy. 

On the flip side, as I watch my three-year-old daughter kiss my baby bump, sigh longingly at commercials with newborn babies, and talk proudly about how she's going to have two little brothers, it makes me so excited to see how our family's love will grow with our new addition. There are so many sweet, challenging, wonderful, sleep-deprived moments to look forward to! 

Now that we're in the single digit week countdown to our son's birth, I'm thinking about what we need to do, buy, and prepare for baby's arrival. Here is my comprehensive list:

products to buy for third baby

For Baby

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We already have two kids, and all the gear that goes along with them. We won't need much for baby #3, but I have my eye on a few items that will be helpful now that we're outnumbered. 

1. Baby Carrier

When I'm home by myself with all three kids, I know I'll depend heavily on a comfortable baby carrier to help manage the chaos and keep my little one feeling happy and safe. I loved my Moby Wrap in Minnesota, and still might use it around the house. However, with this baby being born right before summer in the Florida heat, my black Moby wrap feels like too much fabric when I'm out and about. I've had my eye on either the Tula or the Ergo Baby Carrier. I think the backpack style looks simple and comfortable. 

2. Rock N Play

I can't believe I didn't know about this product with my first two! We stayed at a friend's house shortly after my second was born, and he slept so peacefully in the Rock N Play they had there, that I knew I wanted one if we had another child. We have a beautiful bassinet in our room, but it will be nice to have something the baby can nap in out in the living area while I'm getting chores done or playing with the other kids.

Fischer Price Rock N Play 

3. Beach Tent

Now that we live 15 minutes from the beach, a large tent with plenty of shade feels like a must-have with a newborn in tow. It will be perfect for nursing discreetly or letting the baby nap while the older siblings play in the waves. We just received this Sport Brella tent as a gift, and I'm eagerly watching the temperatures for a weekend hot enough to go to the beach so we can test it out!

Sport Brella Beach Tent 

4. Cute Outfits

Ok, this is not a must, but I feel like this child is going to be drowning in hand-me-downs. He's not only the third child, but the second boy in the family, so most of his brother's newborn clothes are already washed, folded, and ready for him. I'm pretty minimalist with kids, so I know he doesn't need a lot as a newborn besides multiple onesies in rotation, but I want to buy him one or two outfits of his own. I'm loving these adorable summer outfits from Gymboree. 

Baby Gym Navy Seersucker Set 

Gymboree Seaside Smiles Outfit 

Baby's Boating Day 

5. Diaper Caddy

With a C-Section recover in my future, and two other kids to keep my eye on, I love the idea of having a diaper changing station in the main living area. This diaper caddy is adorable, and I can picture stocking it with stacks of burp cloths in addition to diapers and wipes

Trend Lab Dove Gray Storage Caddy 

For Mama

6. Belly Bandit

I think I'm ready to dive into the world of postpartum belly wraps! I lost all my baby weight after having my second child, but couldn't seem to get rid of the pooch from diastasis recti. I've read great reviews about not only how great these are at helping shrink your midsection safely after giving birth, but also the comfort and support they provide after having a C-Section. 

Belly Bandit Postpartum Belly Wrap 

7. Nursing Camisoles

I definitely need a few replacement Target nursing camisoles, as the ones from my first two babies have gone through the ringer! I love wearing these under flowy shirts for easy nursing. 

Nursing Camisoles

8. LilyPadz

I am obsessed with these silicone nursing pads while my supply is still evening itself out. Once I'm past those initial weeks of breastfeeding I switch to reusable washable cotton nursing pads, but these LilyPadz are amazing in the weeks immediately after giving birth. I can't remember who first recommended them to me, but I have to pass on the tip. I love that they're not bulky under my nursing camisoles, and they're super comfortable, too!

LilyPadz nursing pads

What else would you add to this list?