Posts tagged fitness
how to create an affordable home gym

My goal for moms is to make health and wellness simple and accessible. You shouldn't need an advanced degree in nutrition to eat healthily, and you shouldn't need to be a certified personal trainer to get a good workout. In the same way, you shouldn't have to pay hundreds of dollars each month on fitness classes (even though those can be fun, effective, and a good strategy for those who need accountability).

If you have the discipline and desire to exercise at home on your own, let me make some suggestions for setting up an effective home gym for the lowest price possible.

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MuTu System Final Review

The "mummy tummy." The "pooch." The C-section "shelf stomach." 

Honestly, all of these phrases make me shudder, and if you're a momma who can't figure out how to get rid of that post baby belly, you understand! It's super frustrating to lose all the baby weight and still look 4 or 5 months pregnant. It's disheartening to exercise your hardest only to make your stomach look even more bloated than before. It's emotional to get dressed every day avoiding half of your closet because it highlights your stomach pooch.

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Healing Diastasis Recti - Reviewing the MuTu System 6 weeks in

I first discovered I had diastasis recti about 8 months after I had my second child. I had just finished nursing him, and was already back to my pre pregnancy weight, but noticed I still looked a few months pregnant. I figured I would be able to work off the belly fat through more strenuous workout, clean eating, and nutritional cleansing. 

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no I'm not pregnant...I just had a baby.

I had been feeling empowered. Proud of my effort and discipline to get back in shape after having the baby. It’s my third baby, third C-section, I’m 29, and I have diastasis recti (separated abdominal muscles), so I had no delusions about sliding into my skinny jeans or having a flat belly mere weeks after giving birth. I knew it would take lots of time, hard work, and good nutrition to help me stomach get back to “normal,” but I felt I had made incredible progress in the past few weeks. I had just started the MuTu System (affiliate link) to begin healing my core, and I had also been taking my nutrition very seriously, going so far as to cut out the creamer in my morning coffee - the ultimate sacrifice. I was feeling strong and confident, content with how far I had come.

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