best at-home teeth whitening system for busy moms

After having my third baby, I had to put sleep and self-care on the back burner for awhile. Between Lewis’s late night feedings and Pippa’s early morning wake-ups, I was stretched pretty thin and operating in survival mode. Obviously, that meant my morning cup of coffee became my morning vat of coffee.

mom's morning cup of coffee

Honestly, I wasn’t thrilled about the way my teeth were looking from my excessive coffee consumption. Postpartum life and mothering three little kids is hard enough without feeling self-conscious about your smile.

Then a miracle happened. Lewis started sleeping through the night over Christmas break, and I became a new woman. I started waking up at 5 a.m. to read my Bible, do my core work with the MuTu System, and work on my blog. I was on a self-improvement kick! So when Smile Brilliant reached out to me about trying their at-home whitening system to share with my readers, I was all in.

Disclaimer: my Smile Brilliant at-home whitening system was provided to me for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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What Is Smile Brilliant?

In the past, my options to whiten my teeth were to use white strips from the drugstore or get my teeth professionally whitened at the dentist. I always found the white strips to be a bit slimy, and I could never get them to stay on my teeth long enough to do what they were supposed to do. Getting my teeth professionally whitened would be extremely expensive and would mean bringing a 4-year-old, a 2-year-old, and a 9-month-old along. That does not sound fun or relaxing.

So this is where Smile Brilliant is different. You get the professional whitening experience and results without actually having to go to the dentist!

Their website states: “Our team is made up of dental professionals with more than 30 years of teeth whitening experience. For decades, our staff created custom-fitted whitening trays for local dentists. After realizing that more than 70% of the cost & time associated with professional teeth whitening revolves around trips to the dentist (office "chair time"), we decided to develop a system that allows our customers to make their own dental impressions. By eliminating a trip to the dentist, we eliminate much of the cost you would otherwise pay.”

How It Works

They send you a kit that includes 2 impression trays with materials to make your own impressions (3 sets in case you mess up!) along with the whitening gel and sensitivity gel you’ll need when your trays are done. I was super nervous to make a mistake but got it right on the first try thanks to the very clear directions.

at home teeth whitening kit

You mail your impressions back in the envelope provided in your kit, then wait about 2 weeks for your custom trays to arrive in the mail. Once your trays arrive, you can start the whitening process!

at home teeth whitening kit

My Experience & Results

I whitened my teeth every other night for 45 minutes to an hour while I got some writing done, watched tv, or read a book. There were even a few nights that I set an alarm and fell asleep while I whitened my teeth. It was so easy, and a very relaxing process. And my results speak for themselves! 

at home teeth whitening system

As a mom who has very little time to myself, I appreciated how easily this fit into my nightly routine. If it required tons of extra work on my part, there is no way I would make time for it. I’m always preaching about self-care, and Smile Brilliant fits right into my message to moms: make time to do what’s going to make you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.


For my fellow coffee-loving mamas, I would highly recommend checking out a Smile Brilliant at-home whitening system for yourself. You won't regret how confident you feel with a dazzling smile. 

For a free at-home whitening system, enter the giveaway here:

And as a special gift to my readers, use the code emilymkrause15 for $15 off your order!
