Posts tagged essays
things all moms of young kids can relate to

Packing granola bars, apple slices, bags of cereal, animal crackers, an entire rotisserie chicken, and 3 water bottles in your purse every time you leave the house just in case someone gets hungry. Even if it's just a trip to the library.

Drawing out a game plan for how you'll get everyone safely in and out of their car seats in a parking lot. 

Feeling victorious when your FitBit registers getting the kids in and out of their car seats as a workout. 

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true confessions of a mom and her guilt

Yesterday as I was leaving my OB-Gyn appointment with all three of my young kids in tow, my doctor made the kindest comment to me. Before I share it with you, though, I need to set the scene:

The baby was screaming in his stroller with snot running down his nose. The two-year-old was trying to put his toy laptop in the basket of the stroller, effectively tripping me and getting his foot run over in the process. The four-year-old was asking questions about my "yearly exam" while standing directly in the path of my stroller in that narrow hallway. I tried to answer her as vaguely as possible over the din of my unhappy baby while smiling apologetically at the nurses. 

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to the disappointed mom preparing for a c-section

And really, I'm finally at peace with birthing my children via Cesarian. It was not my original plan, it was not what I hoped for or imagined, but it's the way it worked out. And it's the way I got my 2 beautiful babies safely into my arms. 

So maybe you're staring down the barrel of a scheduled C-section and you're feeling disappointed about it.

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Dear Burned-Out Mama of Young Children

Dear Burned-Out Mama of Young Children,

I know you have a very unglamorous job right now. I know you used to spend an hour getting ready in the morning, and now you feel put together if you take the time to blow dry your hair and put on mascara. I know you used to pride yourself in your flat abs, hard-won through early morning workouts before you went to work, and now you feel like you have no control over what your body is doing.

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