37 week pregnancy update

Full Term! We made it! I am feeling more than ready to meet our little guy, and am starting to get really excited about adding a third child to our family. I know it will be a giant transition, but I feel like maybe if we don't even try to leave the house at all for like a month after the baby is born we'll be fine? You can order everything online now, right?

size of the baby: baby is the size of a large cantaloupe or a head of romaine lettuce. Yes, I'm sure there's only one in there. 

gender: baby boy!

maternity clothes: down to 2 dresses, 3 tank tops, 2 skirts, and 1 pair of shorts that fit comfortably. Talk about a capsule wardrobe! 

movement: still lots of movement, but more like slow rolls than jabs and punches. Love the occasional baby hiccups, too! The belly is still taking on strange shapes when knees or elbows poke out. 

sleep: sleep is hit-or-miss lately. Some nights I sleep like a rock, and other times I wake up at 4 a.m. and can't fall back asleep. Rolling over in bed is near impossible at this point. Getting up out of bed is a 10 step process. 

prenatal fitness: Does getting off the couch count as a workout? No? Still trying to fit in nice long walks a few days a week. Other than that, chasing Pippa and Teddy is my cardio and weight training. 

missing: clothes that fit, not being swollen in the hands, feet, and face, and margaritas.  

craving: cereal - specifically Honey Nut Cheerios with almond milk, cold fruit, chocolate protein shakes, and lots of water.

symptoms: I've been having lots and lots of Braxton Hicks and extra pressure on my abdomen, so feeling pretty uncomfortable most of the time. 

My feet and hands are definitely swollen, and the wedding rings are officially off. 

I'm also experiencing aching joints, fatigue, and mood swings. 

baby purchases: we are finally stocked up on newborn and size 1 diapers, and thanks to a surprise baby shower thrown by some local friends, baby even has a few cute new outfits that are all his own. (And by outfits I mean onesies). We picked up a few pacifiers just in case this baby takes them, and I have a few nursing essentials in my cart on Amazon that I should probably go ahead and order. 

looking forward to: a week off for Easter break! I'm hoping to take Pippa out for a girl's day sometime this week to see a movie (and consume so much popcorn), paint our nails, and do facials (that part will be at home). Let's be honest, I'll probably take her to Target, too. 

best moments: we spent Saturday afternoon in Daytona Beach. The weather was in the mid 70s and it was absolutely gorgeous out! We shared some ice cream with the kids, and just enjoyed the atmosphere in general. I savored only throwing one diaper and a few wipes in my purse before we will have to transition back to a full fledged diaper bag. 

Experienced mamas of 3 or more: any tips for transitioning from 2 to 3 kids?

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